JFK . . . 60 Years of Myths and Disinformation

It’s the 60th Anniversary of the Assassination of JFK and a major industry has developed over the years with various scholars, politicians, and especially cultural celebrities creating a heroic image of JFK–a man whom they claimed had seen the error of the Cold War and Militarism and was going to withdraw from Vietnam, make peace with Cuba, and end the cold war against the USSR but who was cut down because of his transformation to peacemaker by the “deep state” which had a greater interest in maintaining the military-industrial complex and inciting global tensions.

That version of JFK is without any evidence. The partisans of this JFK-as-Hero view rely on anecdotes and stories told long after the fact to portray JFK as a man of peace. But the real records–the various archives, documents, reports, military appraisals, and positions of government agencies all belie this view and show Kennedy as what he was–a militarist, hard-charging, interventionist Cold Warrior.

I’ve been doing a lot of work on this topic for some time now, inspired and in collaboration with Noam Chomsky at first, and it’s particularly important to have it out there now as this JFK Lovefest takes hold of the media. Both the establishment corporate press and many elements of Left media are giving this story significant time and blocking out views that undermine it. Apparently, many of these JFK partisans think we need a hero and are willing to make up stories about him to fill that role and they ignore the reality of how American power operates.

Here are some of the contributions that we’ve made on “Green and Red Podcast” and in writing about this topic. There’s also a recent Green and Red Podcast episode about this at https://youtu.be/RyUsHmPoCj0?si=-YhWGJ2IQUoPzX5c

Enjoy, think about it, and share . . . .

John F. Kennedy Goes Hollywood: Oliver Stone’s Fantastic History

Inside Oliver Stone’s Kennedy-Conspiracy Complex

JFK’s Recklessness in October 1962

Noam Chomsky on Oliver Stone’s “JFK Revisited”

Why Oliver Stone’s “JFK Revisited” is Full of S**t

Debate vs. James DiEugenio, Oliver Stone’s screenwriter

Did the CIA Kill JFK?  A Conversation with Jefferson Morley    

The Missile Crisis at 60 . . . Was JFK Really a Hero?

Pulitzer-Prize Winner James Risen on Frank Church, the CIA, the JFK Assassination, and Conspiracies 

Noam Chomsky on JFK and Latin America

Noam Chomsky on the Legacy of JFK

Interview on “Pod Damn America” about JFK

Interview on “Unlicensed Philosophy” about JFK

About buzzanco

Historian, Agitator, Sicilian
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  1. Pingback: JFK . . . 60 Years of Myths, Lies and Disinformation – Green and Red Podcast

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